How to play Madder Than a Hatter
Graphic Design

It's been a long time since I've put up any PnP files and asked you to play along with development... now I need your help! Please!
Madder Than a Hatter – PnP
I've begun taking on freelance design projects. I'd love to work for you.
Chevee Dodd, LLC – A New Beginning
I've done another tutorial... this time on using Inkscape to do card layout for The Game Crafter.
Card Layout with Inkscape
A brief introduction to using source art to create simple cartoon drawings in Inkscape.
Drawing With Inkscape – an Experiment

I'm eternally grateful to the online design community for taking me in. Without my friends, fans, and critics, my new games would be a whole lot less impressive.
Crowdsourced Design

When I originally released Tuesday Night Tanks, the cards were confusing to some. Based on player feedback I changed the design to be more accomodating... turns out, the redesign was terrible. So, I've re-re-designed the cards.
Tuesday Night Tanks – An Update
Last week was a bit hectic due to a new project launch. I designed and built a website for a crew of card-playing professionals for the new game HEX: Shards of Fate from Cryptozoic Entertainment. The site launched and it's been keeping me extremely busy, but I'm enjoying it.
So, this week's update is more of a Hedeby update than anything, but I tucked some good advice on pitching in also.
Weekly[ish] Update – June 13, 2013
I've been trying to figure out what inspires me for a while now... what brings it and what makes it go away. Today's Oatmeal has really made me think about it more. This weeks article is a little more touch-feely than usual.
Weekly[ish] Update – Nov 16, 2012
Getting back into a rhythm is not always easy. Just trying to be productive... but not forcing myself and losing interest... is not easy. This week, however, work on Sock Monster has been steady!
Weekly[ish] Update – Nov 9, 2012
Weeks have passed... I've done very little... it's time to share.
Weekly[ish] Update – Nov 4, 2012
I have struggled to keep up with writing for the site. Writing quality content weekly about my big designs is difficult. I've decided to start writing weekly[ish] updates where I can talk about the various little projects I have been working on.