Buy your copy today!

PULL! – A Trap Shooting Card Game on Kickstarter It’s finally here. After months and months of research, development, tweaking, and anxiousness, the day has arrived. I have hit the giant green launch button and you can now pledge for your very own copy of PULL! This campaign promises […]
PULL! Kickstarter is LIVE!

The campaign is only a few short days away and I'm finally getting around to telling you about it...
PULL! Goes Live on the 21st!

An interview with Jeff from All Us Geeks. I like Jeff.
Interview – The Game of Crowd Funding
Sometimes, commitment means fighting in spite of something. I prefer to fight because of something.
PULL! – What It Means to Commit

Sometimes, it is actually possible to reduce a game too far... building it back up can be difficult.
PULL! – Where’s the Fun?

The decision to run a campaign for PULL! is multi-faceted. I don't make decisions like these lightly.
PULL! – Why Kickstarter?

While I haven't been particularly active on the site this winter, I have been very productive. I just thought I'd share some of the things I've been up to...
Winter Lull, Secret Projects, and A Kickstarter?
A brief introduction to using source art to create simple cartoon drawings in Inkscape.
Drawing With Inkscape – an Experiment

I'm eternally grateful to the online design community for taking me in. Without my friends, fans, and critics, my new games would be a whole lot less impressive.
Crowdsourced Design

After some more playtesting, I tweaked Pull! slightly to make it a touch more strategic. I like this game.
A Pull! Update – More Strategery

It's been a while since I've designed anything new and even longer since I've shared a Print and Play. Today is a good day.