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Sent: 2012-08-23 17:39:52 (PST)
Subject: Chevee's News - GenCon Adventures

Well, GenCon happened. It was glorious. If you weren't there, I hope you can attend next year. If you were there, I hope we met. I met a lot of people and that is great!

GenCon 2012 -
My adventures in Indianapolis this year were very much different from years prior. I didn't stick to the traditions. I played lots of games, met lots of people and spent lots of money. I'm only going to tell a fraction of that tale because I don't want you to unsubscribe. :-)

The post:

Meet the Inventor -
This is extremely short notice, but I wasn't sure if it was going to happen or not.

This Saturday, August 25th, I will be at Four Horseman Comics and Gaming in the Morgantown Mall starting at 2pm. I will be demoing Scallywags for a few hours and generally having a good time. If you are near, you should stop by.

Thanks for reading!
- Chevee

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